The Hills of Postpartum Anxiety: A Training Guide for New Moms

Welcome to the whirlwind of motherhood! Luke Combs really nailed the new mom vibe in his 2017 hit song “Beautiful Crazy”. The ups and downs are real, but one thing that I did not expect to experience was the chest tightness that seemed to never let up. It was not a heart attack, despite my arguments with the ER physician. It was, in fact, postpartum anxiety. Back in 2011, when I had my daughter, this was not a common topic. Postpartum depression was the focus of discussion in all my mom groups but the feelings I was experiencing seemed to fly under the radar. 

For some reason, I figured what I was going through was a crappy variation of normal. Turns out, not being able to fall asleep because I was imagining everyone I loved tripping on the cement stairs that led to our basement apartment was NOT NORMAL.

Let's explore what postpartum anxiety is, its manifestations, and effective strategies to navigate these uncharted waters.

Understanding Postpartum Anxiety:

Postpartum anxiety can be an unexpected companion in the early days of motherhood. Unlike postpartum depression, anxiety can be subtle and harder to identify. New moms may experience excessive worry, racing thoughts, irritability, and an overwhelming fear that something bad might happen to their baby. It's essential to recognize that postpartum anxiety is a common experience, affecting around 10% of new mothers. If you already tend towards anxious thoughts and worry, you might be at increased risk. 

Identifying the Symptoms of Postpartum Anxiety 

Symptoms vary from person to person, making it crucial to be aware of the signs. Feeling restless, having trouble sleeping even when the baby is asleep, and an overwhelming sense of dread are all signs that suggest a new mom might need further support and symptom investigation. Physical symptoms like shortness of breath or air hunger, chest tightness, stomach issues, jaw pain or headaches may also be present. If you're feeling more overwhelmed than overjoyed, it's time to acknowledge these feelings and get a plan together. 

At Home Coping Strategies for Postpartum Anxiety:

  1. Connect with Others: You're not alone in this journey. Anxiety of all sorts feeds off of isolation. When that unhelpful voice in your head has more airtime, it runs the risk of going unchecked.  Connecting with friends, family or other moms can be very therapeutic simply through sharing of experiences. More people than you know have gone through a similar or equally challenging experience. Reach out and share your story with others that you trust.  

  2. iCBT: Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT) is an excellent starting point for managing out-of-control anxious feelings. The best part about it is that it’s offered for free via the Government of Ontario and you can do the learning on your own time, at your own pace. iCBT shows new moms techniques to help manage their symptoms, understand their emotions and regain control of their actions. It helps with all sorts of anxiety feelings, not just those surrounding motherhood. 

  3. Seek Professional Help: If anxiety becomes overwhelming and you are unable to focus on self led therapy such as iCBT, seeking professional help is likely your next best step. Seeking support from a therapist or medical provider in the early stages is important to avoid these out-of-control feelings from becoming more entrenched long term. Motherhood is a marathon, not a sprint. Getting training to learn how to climb the hills will benefit both you and your child in the long run.

Postpartum Anxiety Doesn’t Need to Control You:

Motherhood is Beautiful and Crazy and still never ceases to Amaze Me. Postpartum anxiety was a big part of my journey after both pregnancies and I wish that I had the resources available to me that exist today. The first part of the journey towards regaining control of your emotional domain is recognizing you are experiencing these signs. Taking action towards overcoming them is less painful than you think. By incorporating these coping strategies, you can start navigating the challenging twists and turns of postpartum anxiety. You're not alone, and brighter days are ahead.


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